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Photozig Albums - System Requirements

PLEASE TRY FIRST. Photozig Albums may not work in your computer (e.g. IT MAY NOT BURN A CD in your computer), and it may not have the features that you want (e.g. NO VIDEO DVD to play in your DVD player, music in online slideshows is not supported, etc.)

The computer requirements for the Photozig Albums software are the following:

  • Windows XP

  • Multimedia PC with Pentium 1GHz or higher processor or compatible.

  • 512MB RAM (1GB recommended).

  • 100 MB free hard-disk space (500 MB recommended).

  • Internet Explorer 5 or later, and Internet connection (for Online Services).

  • 2X or faster CD-R drive (for making photo CD's or backup).

  • SVGA monitor with 16-bit color and 800 x 600 resolution (minimum).


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In order to install the software in a Windows-XP environment, you need to log in as a "Computer Administrator" user.


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