Main Phone Number
(650) 694-7496
NASA Research Park, Moffett Field CA 94035-0128
Address | NASA Research Park, PO Box 128, Moffett Field, CA 94035-0128 | |
Email: | info @ photozig . com |
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Phone:+1 650 694-7496 | |
Fax: +1 650 618-1891 |
About Photozig
Photozig's goal is to provide the best customer experience to enhance self help and efficacy on healthcare knowledge, multimedia learning, and lifetime skills.
Photozig, Inc. is creating new concepts, developing, and researching new applications by applying technology in a customer-centric approach. The company was founded in March 2002, and received US federal contracts and funding to research and develop new applications in education, healthcare, and special projects. Photozig is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, near the research and educational campuses with exceptional organizations, enabling fruitful exchange with universities and research groups. Photozig has been collaborating with centers of excellence such as Stanford University, UC Davis, UCSF, UCLA, University of Illinois at Chicago, and others